I love you when you are loving me too.I ♥ simple person,simple things and simple LOve.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

I got the compliment from my patient.

1st time, my name was being put up on board, 1st time, i got the compliment from my patient, this is the nicest encouragement for me to continue do well in my clinical attachment. This card is only main for the staffs over there, but she wrote for my friends and i secretly, and at the end i found it out by myself. Omg , i was so surprising. Although, this card didn't help me to score A for my clinical attachment,this card had touched my heart.

Everyone was complaining about my clinical instructor treating us unfairly. She gave "grade A" to a girl who from China , but we knew that the girl was very lazy. She got a bit" sebelah hati" , she seldom guide us throughout the attachment, she always with her and also another girl from China and was a AN before. Maybe that was the reason she said we always sitting down, didn't communicate with Physiotherapist , dietician ,doctor and so on. We did, but was she didn't see. Fortunately, i did well in my case study and scored B+ for my attachment,i realized it was really better than those who got C+.

I shall aim "A" for my next coming attachment. :)

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